
Monday, January 24, 2011

I {heart} GIVEAWAYS!!

I really do!  Every time I see one on a blog that I come across, I sign up for it.  So I've decided that, just for fun, I would sponsor my own little primary giveaway!  I hope to do this fairly often, with different things each time.  For now, here is a sample of what is up for grabs...

A set of "Fun Ways to Sing" cards, mounted on scrapbook paper and laminated! 
You can enter by following the blog or leaving a comment with an answer to one of the following questions:
1.  What is your must-have-can't-live-without primary tool? 
It could be a prop, a review game/activity, a sure-fire way to teach a song - anything!  This is your opportunity to share what works for you...ideas that we can all benefit from!
2.  What would you like the next giveaway to be? 

The entries will be numbered and a winner will be picked at and announced in a post on Thursday, January 27th.  Good luck!  I'm excited!

This giveaway is closed...I will announce a winner soon!  But if you would still like to leave a comment with your must-have for primary, we would all love to hear from you!


  1. I already follow this blog! My best tool so far is arty the hearty. He is a hideous heart face with ears that I made to help with review and the kids just go wild for him :D

  2. I think that my 'can't live without' Primary tool is literally myself. I strongly believe that you are your own best visual -- but I LOVE these cards and would love to win them. Thanks for the chance!

  3. 1. A sheep. When I have just a few minutes left, or need a time filler, or the kids need a quick change in activity, we play Hide The Sheep and the kids get to find the Lost Sheep!
    2. I can't think of anything specific, but I love giveaways! :)

  4. I follow your blog. I think my best Primary tool is interacting with the children, knowing them by name and using the music to help them feel the spirit.

  5. I'm a follower!!
    AND my must-have primary tool are any kind of interactive visuals (how's that for vague?) Since I'm the assistant to the secretary I do alot of different things (we have 130 kids in Primary)...any thing interactive is key for all Primary kids...but especially with a big group like this!

    I want these cards. For my future song leading opportunities and to share with our current music leader...:)

    NExt giveaway? ANything you come up with--your ideas are fantastic!!

  6. I follow your blog and I love the Children's Songbook companion. There are tons of great ideas in it. I love these cards. I hope I win.

  7. My favorite singing time creation is a set of Smiling/Frowning faces. The kids in my primary love these. I used card board and cut out a 10 inch diameter circle for each child. Colored some silly faces on them. When the children hold it upright the face is smiling, when they turn them upside down they are frowning. They have huge googley eyes that wiggle, the kids love singing the song "Smiles" while using these faces.

  8. Id LOVE to use these with my primary kids!!! pick me, pick me!!

  9. My favorite review game is animal sounds. I printed off cute little clip arts of different animals, chicken, pig, horse, dog etc... I call a child up and they get to pick out the animal which is linked to a review song. Then they assist me in singing the song as the animal would so if they pick dog we sing the song using barks. The other children have to try and guess what song it is. It is a huge hit!

  10. Just a question: What is the card with all the little colored squares for? Is it a wild card or something? Thanks!

  11. Such a great idea!
    I always have a bag full of random objects that help us determine how to sing a song. This is my all-time favorite "go-to" bag!!!

  12. I have two. I keep a battleship game in the primary closet when we have extra time I pull it out. Second is a little magnetic moose that we do "hot/cold" with singing.

  13. The picture aids. It helps the Sunbeams so much!

  14. I am you newest follower!! :)
    My live by tool would be plenty of just silly songs so the time goes fast without the kids getting too restless:)

  15. The primary tool I can't live without is my pianist! She is awesome and we work as a team! You never realize how much you need one until you move to a Branch, get put in as the Primary Chorister, and discover your only way to play music is a CD player that only works half the time!

  16. Puzzle piece mystery. Whoever gets called up picks a piece with a song on the back. When enough pieces are there and they guess correctly--we they can pic a song to sing.. Usually "Jesus wants me for a SUNBEAM" with a great amount of "popping up" lol.

  17. I have just been introduced to your blog! Oh how I wish I would've known about it earlier! My favorite primary tool is honestly,! I get so many great ideas from there! I would love ANYTHING that helps me to teach the kids to sing! Thanks!

  18. I think my calling would be easier if I'd found a go to idea. I'm still just trying out many until I find one that works for me and my kids.

    I'm a new follower of your blog, so maybe you've already addressed this, but could you tell what all your fun ways to sing are?

  19. Love the alligator made out of egg cartons that we use in Nursery!

  20. I think an inexpensive set of dress up clothes to go with some of the stories. Last week we taught about Daniel and the lion's den. The kids loved pretending to be the king, Daniel and lions. Even having little hats to represent all of them would have been cool.

  21. I REALLY need these!!! My primary must have would probably be the kangaroo and her pouch. We pick songs out of her pouch to sing. I would really love if you would do a giveaway of a kit of some sort to get me started or just organized. As a convert to the church when I was called as music leader it has been very hard cause I had never even been to primary! Something that would just get me on track!

  22. Best tool is yourself! Nothing else can compensate for your own sincerity, enthusiasm, and love for the children. But fun things bring in interesting variety. I'd LOVE a set of these cards!!!

  23. One tool I love to use are "voices" the children can use during wiggle songs. On any type of visual I have on hand I tape (or write) on the back a certain voice to use while singing a wiggle song, such as "Hinges". Some of the voices I use are: opera voice, bear voice, mouse voice, plug-your-nose voice, etc. To continue on into the songs that should be sung more reverently I created a separate set of visuals with other options for singing on the back, such as: people with pets (stand and sing), people with blue eyes (stand and sing), people who like carrots (stand and sing). Things that are silly and fun enough for the children to enjoy but don't take away from the reverence of a song.
    After I've written most of this comment, I realize that this is a lot like your "Fun Ways to Sing" cards. Your visuals are so much more pretty, though!
    As for another giveaway, I'm new to the blog and so don't know what things you make or utilize for primary. So, choose anything! People love a giveaway!

  24. As primary chorister, I can't live without my large di(ce). It fills a multitude of needs. I can' use it for choosing songs, ways to sing songs, picking a volunteer, moving spaces in games, etc. I use it at least every other week. The kids love rolling it (and sometimes throwing it)!

  25. I love using a wooden dowel to let the best Singer help lead the next song. The kids love this!

  26. I do the singing measels, the children who are caught singing well get the measels. They are just little sticker dots that get put on them and they love it. The teachers help me with this as I cannot watch everybody and all the children begin to sing their best.

  27. I follow your blog! I just got put into primary so I need all the ideas that I can get!!!

  28. I love finding blogs like this to follow!!! My must have tool is the jar of big popsicle sticks to call kids' names out for my helpers.

  29. My must have primary tool is questions! I love to ask questions for the children to answer. I think with them we get the the meaning of the song and when they understand they can gain a testimony of it.
    Your next giveaway should be a gameboard of some kind.

  30. I love using the "magic wand". I use it as a reward and the children get to come and conduct the music with the wand. For the next giveaway? I love any new teaching tools ideas. Thanks!

  31. These cards are so cute! My favorite Primary tool is the popscicle sticks in a can to pick names from. It keeps things fair, and they have to be being reverent if their name is picked. They love having their name chosen from the can!

  32. So cute! I would LOVE these!

    My biggest/bestest trick to teach songs is to let the kids help draw pictures for each phrase in the song. Sometimes I let them divide into groups, sometimes I take suggestions from the kids and draw them on the chalkboard and re-draw them onto paper so I don't have to draw them each week. I use page protectors to put them in. The kids love seeing their pictures being used.

    I also LOVE using actions to help them remember songs and try to teach one song for the program in sign language.

  33. new here, but I saw your blog featured on facebook (through sugar doodle) and could always use more ideas! =) now i am a "follower" of this blog!

    1. our primary loves visitors! each time there is a new child or visitor, we sing the hello song with a new foreign word for hello. their favorite by far is japanese. they love singing (as loud as they can) "ko-nee-chee-wah, ko-nee-chee-wah, we welcome you today, koneechee-wah" (i know that isn't spelled correctly, just phonetically)

    anyway, each time we have a visitor, i teach them a new word for hello and we sing it to our visitors. that is their favorite song to sing...seriously. =)

  34. I was just called as chorister a month ago. I've been in the primary presidency before, as well as primary president, but until you wear the shoes of a chorister, you have no idea the commitment, love and spiritual help you will receive having such a wonderful calling. I am loving every minute of it, but being new, I don't have my "favorite" tool yet, that I can't live without. I'm still trying to figure that all out. We have about 60 kids on average every Sunday, so I'm really having to do different things for junior and senior, because of the ages. So far, what I can't do without, if I have to have an answer, would be my voice!

  35. I would just love this calling in primary :)...I just do it at home with my kids so they know the songs. That will have to do for now!!

  36. I'm a follower too! I like to tell a story about the new song I am teaching

  37. I am in a very small branch and was just put in as 1st C. in Primary, but also double as playing the piano. We DO NOT have a music leader, just the Pres. and myself. So....What Is My Fav. Primary tool I can't live without? ANYTHING! Since we don't have a music leader, WE do the music which is a challenge doing both sharing time and music each week. Since I'm new, I've been searching for ideas to help the children. I would LOVE to have your Fun Way To Sing cards. It would be a tremendous help! Thanks,Debbie

  38. My favorite tools are blogs like these. Seriously, I'm not creative enough and have a hard time coming up with ways to teach the kids. So blogs and websites like these that give legitimate ideas are something I can't live without! Thanks!

  39. Any primary teacher's must have are treats and fun activities.

  40. I have invested in a bag of different rhythm instruments. Some quiet... some not quite so quiet... but I use these to have the children tap or shake to the beat quietly while a new song is introduced. The kids know that if it gets too noisy or out of hand, no more instruments. So it's also a great incentive too!!

  41. I cannot do without my wonder accompaniest, she is amazing and I am not very good at giving her a schedule, she is so talented that she can do just about anything!! Thanks Elaine you are the best! :)

  42. I love my stand-up/sit-down signs. The kids love them and I love that we can get the wiggles out while reviewing songs. I also love my children's songbook companion!

  43. I think my favorite thing in singing time that we use is " Miracle Sing." The kids love it !! It is simply Kool-aid in a spray bottle.

  44. me gusta utilizar las ayudas visuales en la primaria

  45. What is your must-have-can't-live-without primary tool?
    I am the Primary President and the one most important tool that I can't live without is my wonderful Primary Chorister! She is newly called and is doing such a great job already! We love her so much!

  46. I couldn't live without my stop and go/loud and soft/fast and slow signs. I don't like to use them too often but if I'm ever in a jam, i can pull them out and have an INSTANT activity that the kids ALWAYS have fun with.

  47. I am a new follower from Sugardoodle. I think the best tool is any tool. Anything you can do to get the kids involved helps them retain what they are learning. I love your Odd Ball idea, I think that should be your next giveaway.

    Thanks for the great giveaway & all you do.

    Thompson1975 at sbcglobal dot net

  48. I am just starting out, and so my best tool right now is your web site with its great ideas, and directions, in which i can take our kids singning program to the next level. that is the one thing i can remember about primary when i was in it-was the singing time and all the fun stuff she had and did to make singing FUN!!!!

  49. My favorite singing time "tool" is to smile and have fun. If you are enjoying the songs, the children will more likely too. Also to learn the children by name. They feel important when you mention them by name. I'd love these singing cards for our Ward Primary!!

  50. I love the Primary song CD's from Deseret books. All the kids seem to enjoy them very much - the words go across the screen for the kids to follow and all them are just staring at the animated pictures. LOVE it!

  51. One of the most useful tools we use is the kids themselves. Let them help pick a picture or word to help them remember the songs. They not only get excited about it but it makes it more personal and meaningful to them.

  52. My favorite can't live without it primary tool are my "no crying ponies." I teach sunbeams and sometimes it's hard for them to leave their parents and sit quietly for long periods of time. I have a stash of My Little Ponies that I let them hold and ask them to help pony feel better and stay reverent. It works like a charm. As for a giveaway, I would love some visuals to help my Sunbeams learn the program songs this year. :)

  53. Hi, I am new to your blog, and I love to find new ideas to keep things fun and exciting for the kids. One of my all time favorites - and the kids most favorite - is my bean bag toss. I have one of those foam cardboard and have three holes cut out. Depending on which hole the bean bag is tossed into will depend on what song we sing. I outlined the holes in three different colors - Red, Yellow, and Blue. Red is for fun action songs, Blue is for the primary program songs, and yellow is for my/their favorite songs.

  54. My favorite tool, my girl's sing, boy's sing sign.

  55. I just found your blog! And I am so excited! My favorite tool is making up actions to the songs. It seems like even if I wasn't planning on doing actions that day.... if the kids get restless.. I will ask for ideas for an action while we sing a certain word... the kids ALWAYS tune in.. and start thinking of actions... they love it... and it helps them stay quite and learn the song! Amazing!

  56. My favorite "prop" is my insect hat! It is a big floppy brimmed hat with all sorts or plastics insects on it...of course a few spiders are hanging off the brim from their webs! The children love to sing when they know if they sing well, their teacher gets to wear the hat for the next song! Totally fun!

  57. My favorite singing time tool would have to be the Go/Stop sign. The Children really respond to this and and they really love it when the sign gets flipped really fast or when there are long bouts of stop. You can see them singing the words in their head as they are waiting for the Go sign to turn around. So much fun.

  58. I just found you! Great ideas!!!!! I am a follower. I think this set is so cute and would be great for any Primary Chorister! I would love them.

    My favorite tool of choice is pictures. Kids identify with visuals. Pictures can help them learn the songs and then you can use them to review, play games, and intro the songs during the program in sacrament meeting. Pictures can be comforting to children when they are familiar!

  59. I am the 2nd Councilor in the Primary, so I am posting this for our chorister, Brother Moore. I think the best tool he uses for singing time is his enthusiasm. He also uses a big die that the kids get to roll for different purposes.

  60. I followed, but I will answer one of the questions too. Honestly my best tool is my calendar. I do a monthly calendar so that I always know the songs and what my schedule is. My pianist is prepared and so am I. It makes a BIG difference to the kids when they see that this is important enough to me to have my act together.

    But they love the stop/go game and the staccato/legato game.

  61. Future giveaways!

    I love the Follow the Prophet helps! That would be great!

    I love the coin flip cards too! My kids love that app. I never thought to use it in primary!

  62. just found your blog the other day & i'm following .. looking forward to using your ideas .. thanks for sharing! great giveaway!

  63. What a fun place! Would love to win!

  64. My must-have-can't-live-without primary tool?  Is Mooch The Music Monkey (A Beanie Baby). I use him for the Hot & Cold Game. One child hides him another finds him. The kids sing quitely when they are far away from Mooch and get louder as they get closer. They love to do it over and over again and don't even realize they are singing the song again and again. I have had Mooch since I first started being a chorister in 1997 and the kids all LOVE HIM! He is a must (or something like it) in every choristers bag.

  65. The kids!! That is the tool that I could NEVER do without...they are so fun!! Our Primary Pres. said in her talk that "kids just can't sit still because their Spirits are so big"!! I LOVE being in the Primary and it brightens my day when I see them:) Thanks for this amazing giveaway!!!!!

  66. Sally Cecilia Soprano, my singing sock puppet snake is one of my primary's favorites. I put her on my arm and let her help me lead the music. I let the children know that I speak sock puppet and after each song, she hisses in my ear how well the children sang. The kids and teachers both like her. I made her from a green soccer sock with a pipe cleaner tounge and puffy paint face and bow. This year for primary, I have been using scripture buddies each week because our focus is on the scriptures. I try to pick one and use it as the focus of my singing time, by reading it out loud to the kids and then basing my songs and activities around it. I think that it has been good for them to ponder on the scripture and get more meaning out of it with the songs.

  67. I just started following your blog and I just got this calling! So I don't have a lot of stuff in my back pocket. So this would be great. I would say at this point, the best tool is me, in that I love to sing with the kids and I have no fear of singing by self and I love love our pianist. She is willing to do anything at anytime and rolls with the punches.

  68. I am a recent follower - because I have just in been in this calling for a few weeks. So a game like this would be soooooo perfect, because I don't have a lot of "stuff" yet. Right now, my pianist is our best tool. She is so willing to roll with the punches and do anything - especially when I am not following my plan for the day. Look forward to reading more ideas on your blog!

  69. I'm a follower! This would be great to use in our primary.

  70. My favorite tool is my husband. He was asked to be in this calling with me and every time I need someone to be a prop and get music measles or wear a silly hat he is always there.

  71. I'm a follower! My must have tool is the Spirit, if I'm not in tune, I feel like nothing comes across the way it should!

  72. My singing friends... they are a collection of troll dolls that the kids have given different personalities and traits. The kids hide them or choose them. it works great in reviewing songs or tuning up for a performance. Thanks for the ideas

  73. What a great idea.. I just read threw all the ideas and have our 5th sunday review planned.. My go to must have help is brightly colored plastic eggs filled with rice and taped up tight. (Clear Tape) I can toss them to kids to choose a song, hand them all out to shake with the beat or pass along as we sing ( like hot potatoe) Primary is the best Calling!!

  74. My favorite tool is the primary hospital. We use this throughout the year to check on the progress of all of our patients (ie:the program songs) so that we can monitor our progress. We keep them on a chart (poster) to keep track of progression.
    I would love to see a choosing helpers give away next!

  75. Im a follwer. Our primary uses robes and Ties to help kids relate to Bible charactors in the scriptures! My primary kiddos ROCK and are Simply the BEST!Thanks for the chance to win:)Look forward to ready all the ideas you have. Thanks

  76. When learning a new song my best tools are always my flipcharts with fun pictures! I love finding new things to do with the kids. Cute cards.

  77. My favorite tool is my retractable measuring tape....we use it to sing soft or loud based on how much tape I let out. I am glad I found your site, I love having extra resources.

  78. I am follower. These are lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!

  79. I am now a follower and excited to be. My favorite primary prop is a giant rubber grasshopper (I found at DI on a whim) and a rubber snake. We use them to switch between staccato and legato. The kids love it!!

  80. I am now a follower and excited to be. My favorite prop is a giant rubber grasshopper(that I found at DI on a whim) and a rubber snake. We use them to switch between singing staccato and legato. The kids love it and it really helps to make words of a song concrete.

  81. I love this site u have awesome ideas!

  82. Since I am the Primary President and the Music Leader I need all the help I can get! (from a Small Branch with not many adults but quite a big primary)
    I love all the gadgets and gizmo's in fact DH hates how much ink I use!! However I would have to be truthful and say the one thing I could not live without is my Primary Pianist (who is a volunteer and not called as she is also our Early Morning Seminary teacher!) We all do a bit of double duty!
    I would love to add these cards to my limited resources!!!!

  83. I've always enjoyed the "quit" and "loud" signs for the kids as they sing. Depending on which sign is shown depends on how loud they sing.

  84. What a darling giveaway! Another fun one would be something that I want to have but need to figure out the best way to make it. I'm a pretty good artist but I want it to be ADORABLE like your give away! :) They are 3 faces. Miss La-Lie, Lu-Lu and Le-O. They help the kids get the tune down to a new song. And they have to sing La, Le or Lu when they see their faces. Fun Stuff-Fun calling!

  85. My must-have for primary is pictures! I teach everything using pictures. As for another giveaway, it doesn't matter :) Something just as simple and cute as these cards would be great! And I would LOVE to win these cards!!

  86. My must have is my Wiggle Worms! OUr junior primary is huge. 3 sunbeam classes, 3 CTR 4/5 a,2 Ctr 5/6 classes they get REALLY wiggly! So we sing our share of wiggle songs every Sunday.

  87. I just started in the primary singing time so I don't have a favorite help yet. These would definitely help!

  88. I have to have my stop and go sign, and flip charts I rely on them a lot!!

  89. 1-I have only been the primary chorister for 4 weeks (so I'd really LOVE to get these visuals!!) But the kids favorite so far has been my giant dice we use to choose new songs/styles of singing.
    2-as far as your next giveaway I'd say anything YOU have found to be invaluable :)

  90. Our Primary loves using the "canned singing" prop. It is a can with a lid that has a hole in it and inside the can is a long string made up of different colored strings tied together. Some are short, some are long. The colors are red, white, green and blue. Red girls sing, blue boys sing, green teachers sing, white everyone sings. As the string is pulled out, we sing for the length of the string.

  91. The most wonderful "tool" we have in our primary is our amazing chorister. She has the most fantastic way about her and how she relates to and loves our primary kids. I would love to win these for her to show her how much we appreciate all she does. Won't you please help me show my thanks? ;)

  92. Silly hat! The kids love it, when their class sings the best their teacher has to wear the hat!

  93. I just found your blog and I will follow as soon as I post this comment! My must-have is a cube I made with 6 different ways of singing on it. I keep thinking the kids will get bored of it, but they still LOVE it! It is great for those weeks when I just don't have time to be more creative.

  94. I love using flipcharts to teach or review a song. I'm not sure what you giveaway since I am a first time visitor but I would love to see anything for singing time! Thanks!

  95. I'm not a chorister...but I love your stuff Britt Britt so I want to win it and give it to our new chorister! I already planned to tell her about your site (she starts next week as her first week). Anyway, I think teachers really need children's song books or the words so they can follow along with all the songs (like opening ones we don't always know). So fun!

  96. I think you should giveaway a set of OdD BaLlS! :) Take care!!

  97. What I truly could not live without are blogs like yours. (So, THANK YOU!) I pour over posts looking for great, but simple ideas. I also am a big fan of teaching actions to learn songs (and having the kids come up with them) and when we have too many wiggles or extra time to kill the kids love singing Head, Shoulders, Knees & toes while picking one additional body part to be silent on each time and/or Give Said the Little Stream. (Clap on "g" words, stand up/sit down on "s" words. Fabulous. For next giveaway, I'd love more great activity tools like these. I love them, but never get around to making any.

  98. Overall-its the internet! There is no way I could come up with all the great ideas for teaching and reviewing songs that I have found on the internet. I have only been in this calling a few weeks and was scared to death. Now that I have stumbled onto blogs and websites that share ideas, I don't have to stress so much! Thank you for your great ideas and your wilingness to share!

  99. A sparkly wand to help lead & occasionally point at super singers. These cards look awesome! Anything to make the job easier/more fun for everyone. :o)

  100. I have only had my calling for 3 weeks, so right now the most valuable tool I have are my sticks with the children's names on them. It's been so helpful to learn their name and not waste time asking them what their name is each time. Thanks for the fun giveaway! :)

  101. I would have to say my popsicle sticks with names on them as well. It gives an equal opportunity for all to help out and the kids understand that if they've helped they probably won't again for the day. Green color on one side and red on the other to differentiate which sticks have been picked and which ones haven't. It too helped me with the kids names'. It still does!! Thanks for doing a giveway and love the blog!

  102. My tool is for picking names, I usually do the popsicle sticks and I LOVE them, but this year I found a big book at the DI and wrapped in gold paper and inserted on one side in the book are Junior primary names on index cards with their teachers name and class, so I thumb through to pick a name. If they get picked I put a post it note on it. On the bind of the book I put the theme for this year and on the cover I put Junior Primary Scriptures and on the back senior primary scriptures. The kids love it, I love it!

  103. My thermometer is a great help. The teachers or prestdency get turns to judge the kids singing. The kids love to watch it grow. My dad made it when my mom was chorister and I loved it as a kid. Now I use it in my primary and the kids really like it. Also billy bubblegum loves to visit primary and blow big balloon bubbles if the kids sing loud. They love it when they pop. Thanks for all the great ideas. of course I would love to win too...

  104. I have just been called back into Primary to teach the CTR 4 those little ones.
    One of my friends has been called to do Singing experience and she is scared to death.
    This give-a-way would be such a help to her...get her started for sure. Can't live without my weekly dose of the sweet music that the little ones make.

  105. Love the kids, their little faces, their sweet voices...couldn't live without any of that each week. Your giveaway would be a great help for a sweet friend of mine who has been called to do Singing Time...she is scared to death.
    Thanks, Susie

  106. My best tool is friends that have good ideas!!!

  107. Oh boy! Well, I'm new to the calling and still scared to death! I was just put in the 1st week of January. I would say the best tool is a piano player! My first week I had to be the chorister and piano player - pretty tricky if you ask me ;) So this giveaway would be a huge help!! And I'm not really sure what I would like for your next giveaway since I have no clue what I'm doing! ha ha!!

  108. I absolutely believe that the visuals that are used make a tremendous difference in helping the kids not only learn the songs, but remember them as well! I LOVE your giveaway!!

  109. Now a follower! :)

    Probably my "go to" is flipcharts. We have vistors and inactive children who sometimes come and often they dont know the songs so having something that can help them be more comfortable is always good.

  110. How fun to get ideas from everybodies favorites! :) Mine is probably a helmet, breastplate, sword and shield. We use it to sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and toes... but with the Armor of God words instead. :)

  111. My must have tool is sites like this that allow choristers to communicate and share ideas. I don't know what I would do without blogs like yours and websites that help with creative teaching ideas and activities. I'm not a very musical (or creative) person but I am able to take little bits from the ideas of others to make a great lesson plan that works for my primary. So, THANK YOU!!
