Wow, last year I was so on the ball! This year is another story entirely, and so I'm just now getting around to posting the schedule for next year. Sorry! I have been getting several emails a day wondering when it's coming, and now it's here! Click on the link to download and print:
2013 Singing Time Schedule
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 2
2013 Singing Time schedule - version 3
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 4
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 5
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 6
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 7
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 8
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 9
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 10
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 11
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 12
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 13
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 14
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 15
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 16
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 17
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 18
2013 Singing Time Schedule - version 20
2013 Singing Time Schedule - in Finnish
2013 Singing Time Schedule - for Danna
Here are the rules, so please read through them so you know what's up!
1. I created this document in a program called Art Explosion Publisher Pro Silver. If you do not have this exact program, you cannot edit this schedule. I repeat - if you do not have this exact program, you cannot edit this schedule.
2. In light of #1, I am happy to help you edit the order of the songs so it fits your primary better. Please email me if I can help you, and include the order you would like the songs to appear. Give me a few days to get it done, because between mom stuff, work, school, scouts, and everything else, sometimes it takes a few days to get to my email.
3. Use it, share it, give me your feedback, have fun, and count your blessings that you have the best calling in the church!
That's it! Have a great 2013!

You're so awesome! Thank you SO much!
ReplyDeleteThis is fabulous, fabulous, fabulous!!! Thank you SO MUCH for putting this together.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for what you do. I don't have the skills to put something like this together so I am glad you put in the time and effort.
ReplyDeleteummm wow, you rock. thank you!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing, thanks for your hard work. I was wondering if you would be willing to share an editable verion of your schedule with us.
ReplyDeleteI don't have an editable version, but you're welcome to email me any changes you want and I can make the changes for you. ;)
Deleteany way i could get a modified version of Version 5? but without the Article of Faith line? we aren't learning them. so just lines: Opening, Birthday, Baptism/Visitor, and Singing Time. thanks!
Thank you for your time and effort in others behalf! I have different gifts than you and I am grateful that you will share them with us!
ReplyDeleteI just had to comment and thank you for sharing this. I used your schedule this year and it was such a great planning tool for me. I had totally forgotten where I'd found it, and just happened to stumble across your post this evening. Just in time, cause I was just getting ready to do the 1st quarter planning for 2013! Thank you SO much!!!
ReplyDeleteI just recieved this calling and some what unorganized, but this will help me pull it all together! Thank you! You are very talented.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Like the post above, I am new to this calling and appreciate anything I find that will help to organize me. This is awesome!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU so much for this! I just got called and am slightly overwhelmed. This is AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteyou are so awesome! thanks for posting this!
ReplyDeleteI am also a new chorister and have no clue where to start. This is so helpful! One question...what is the difference in the 4 versions?
ReplyDeleteThe different versions have the songs in different orders. They are based on requests from other choristers. Pick one that fits your schedule, or email me and I can customize it for you! Have fun!
DeleteTHANK YOU!!!!!!!! I'm ecstatic to find that you've made a new one for 2013!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you thank you thank you! The first half of the year I had my own system of typing up each week. Then, in the summer I started to use your forms and it really brought peace and order to the year. I am so grateful you have made them again and I am definitely using them.
ReplyDeleteThese are great. I have asked them to be adapted to Canadian Holidays and can't wait to use them. Alot more interesting than my simply typed out schedules
ReplyDeleteThank you! Finally printing it up for next year! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this! This helped me so much last year after I was a brand new music leader and my pianist loved that I had it ready for her every month (thanks to you!). I'm so grateful for people like you who share their talents with others.
ReplyDeleteI can't say thank you enough! Your blog has made my calling even more enjoyable! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much! VERY helpful and saves me a lot of time!
ReplyDeleteI just found your amazing blog! WOW! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas so my Primary can think I am as cool as you are!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the 2013 singing time schedule wow ! an extra help to get it all together.
ReplyDeletethank you
Debbie Limb
Version 3, I noticed when I went to print it out September is not complete. The image is not downloading completely or something. I also wanted to send you a BIG THANK YOU, for all your hard work and efforts with this schedule. I used it last year and was looking forward to it again this year. It truly does help everyone get on the same page.
ReplyDeleteZerelda - Pflugerville, Texas
Brittney, I just found this wonderful singing time schedule! Thank you for sharing your talent. Could you possible do one more version? I need a version simular to version 8, and in this order:
Opening Song:
Practice Songs:(with an extra line or two)
Closing Song:
Your kind offer to help is much appreciated.
These are fantastic! You are a rockstar. I was sitting down to try and whip up a schedule when I came across this. Total life saver. Thanks a million!
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much! This is a great resource, and your entire website/blog is as well!
ReplyDeleteI am curious what your time schedule is like for the time the children are in sharing time (how long is opening exercises, is it followed by some wiggle songs, then sharing time, or straight into singing time? do you have a schedule within singing time that you follow? when do you go to nursery to do a singing time for them?)
Thank you!
Brittney... Thank you so much for offering to do a different schedule. I have tried several different ways to make a change... NO luck.. OUr schedule looks like
Opening Song _________
Opening Prayer
Birthdays _______________
Wiggle/Favorite Song _______________
Presidency Message
Reverence Song _______________
Sharing Time
Singing Time ________________________ (several lines as you have done on yours)
Closing Song __________________
THank you so much!
I made those changes for you, and it is linked in the post as version 20. Have fun!
DeleteBrittney... Thank you very much! You just made my day!
Deletei think this is fab... only one problem i am in a spanish ward.... is their n e way u can edit this and make me a set in spanish.... please and thanku....
DeleteIf you can translate it and send me an email with the Spanish words, that would be great. No hablo Espanol, so it might be muy malo if I try to do it myself! Of course I'll make those changes for you :)
Wow, I am utterly impressed with your site! I have been the singing time chorister every other calling (seems I switch from Primary president to chorister every couple of years) for the last 9 years. What great and fun ideas you have on here! I want to thank you for all your hard work!
ReplyDeleteSister Karren! ;)
Thank you so much for your hard work on these! I'm new to this calling and there help greatly!
ReplyDeleteFirst off thanks so much for this blog and all the time/effort you put into it! I am new and can't get enough of your site! Thanks for doing this schedule! Could you make one more version?!? It is close to version 18, but could it be set like:
Singing Time:
Starlee Moss
Hey Brittney,
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you are still able to edit a ST schedule for me...I know it's June now:-) I think this would save me emailing my 2 pianists/Primary Pres. each week the schedule. I didn't see a version like ours--it's: Opening song, Visitor song, Birthday/Baptism song, Articles of Faith (Sr.)/Wiggle (Jr.), Singing Time, Closing/Practice song. Thanks a million!
Hi, Danna...
DeleteI added your schedule to the list in the post, it's the one that says "for Danna" Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you!
ReplyDeleteI got released as chorister! :( So sad! But i just wanted to tell you again HOW NICE you are to make all these schedules for us! The new chorister specifically asked about my "schedules" I hand out to the pianist and the presidency. I will give her the link here!
Thank you so much for your hard work! I hope preschool is going well!
<3- Porsche
I love your schedules. I use version 6. Will you be making new ones for next year?
ReplyDeleteThe 2014 schedule will be posted hopefully in the next few days! :)
DeleteI'm getting so excited for the 2014 schedule. I have LOVED using the one for 2013 (it has truly helped me to get organized!) and am ready to start making plans for next year. When do you think it will be available? Thank you for all of your WONDERFUL print outs!
ReplyDeleteyou are AMAZING! this is hands down, the best schedule I have found. I love the layout, it's cute without being crowded, so great!
ReplyDeleteI would love to use for 2018 but the dates are off. Jan 6 instead of Jan 7th... which isn't a big deal but puts general conference on the wrong date. I definitely want to use this but if you do an updated version, I would love to hear from you!