
The Blogger

Ah, where to start?!  Let's just see what pops into my head...

<-- This is my family!  Lu is my husband, and he is awesome.  We don't see him much - he works 2 jobs and goes to school - but we sure know how to have fun when he's home!  Can you say Redbox?!  He is a primary teacher and is very patient to indulge my passion of primary music, even though it's not even my calling!  He recently became a U.S. citizen, so now I get to keep him forever...without doing paperwork!  He is from Mexico, and has the best accent - he sounds just like Antonio Banderas (swoon)!

Gibson is my little man.  He is 8, and just got baptized!  He is obsessed with reading, and there's just about nothing that makes me happier!  He wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up...he'll be the cutest dino-hunter ever :)

Georgia is my girl.  Not just my daughter, but my GIRL.  She is my buddy, my singer, my dancer, my gorgeous friend.  She is everything pink and frilly, but with a rocker edge about her.  Pretty much my complete opposite!  She is 5, and wants to be a mommy when she grows up.  Yay!  Grandkids!

That leaves me!  I find no greater joy than being a mom.  I was a working mom until a few months ago, and am loving being home.  I make crappy cookies, but a pretty mean cake.  I try to be good at everything I do, just so other people don't have to worry.  Also because I'm a bit of a perfectionist!  I am a very accomplished procrastinator.  I don't play any instruments.  I love to sing, but not by myself - I can harmonize with almost anyone.  I think I'm crafty, but I just have lots of crafty stuff that I don't really use.  If I had a million dollars I would spend it on clothes and food.  Eating out is probably my favorite thing to do.  I want to have lunch with Julie B. Beck, but I think I would just stare at her in awe and that would be awkward!  My dream calling is Stake Primary Chorister, because then I could just go around and train choristers all the time!  I'm afraid to pray in public.  My favorite Book of Mormon story is the Brother of Jared.  I could eat peanut butter M&Ms all day long.  I grew up in Oregon, hence my favorite weather is rainy.  We have a beagle named Oscar who is the canine love of my life.  I laugh really hard, all the time.  I am a student at BYU, and my degree will be in Family Life.  If I go AWOL from the blog every now and then, it's most likely because I'm in the thick of school stuff, so be patient with me!

Wow, that's probably enough!  I still want you to like me!  The most important thing about me, however, is that I have a deep testimony of the truthfulness of the restored Gospel.  I LOVE our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He knows me, loves me, and is patient with me beyond measure.  I'm pretty sure he laughs at me sometimes, too.  I hope you find something in this blog of mine that will make your life easier!  The less we stress, the more fun we can have sharing the gospel with our precious primary children.  Thanks for stopping's nice to meet you!  


  1. I really like your blog and your ideas. I was just called as the Sr. Primary chorister. I've been a chorister before, but it's been like 15 yrs. It was fun to see a version of your schedule in Finnish. I lived in Finland as a kid and returned as a missionary.

  2. I just wanted to say thanks for your wonderful blog! Even if it's not your "official" calling, it is your true calling and I'm so grateful to you for keeping this blog going. You get to touch probably thousands of primary kids every Sunday because of your blog through Primary Choristers like me who are not nearly as creative and talented as you! Even though there are many primary chorister blogs out there, I always come to you first! Thanks again!

  3. My favourite story is also the brother o Jared and I love eating peanut butter m&ms! (sadly in europe they don´t sell them, I´ll always get my ration from my father when he visits my sister in AZ) Thank you for your blog. Helps me to start thinking creative myself!

  4. "I am a very accomplished procrastinator."
    I love that! I'm about to become a SAHM and I find that I have so much in common with you!
    Love your blog and all the ideas!

  5. Great blog! Great ideas! Thanks for sharing them with so many others!

  6. What great ideas! Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us!

  7. Just got called to be the primary chorister in my ward and your blog is GOLD! I have been stressing because it's only one month until the program and I am starting from scratch because this is my first time in this calling! Sooo excited (mixed with nervous) Thank you for sharing all of your awesome materials!!
