
Monday, June 6, 2011

All New Fun Ways to Sing Cards

And the collection continues!!  Here is the link to 10 all-new cards for review, repetition, and just plain ol' fun.

All New Fun Ways to Sing Cards  

***If you'd like to win a complete laminated set of these 10 cards, make sure to enter the Summer Kick-Off Giveaway found HERE.

And for those of you who are looking for all of the other Fun Ways to Sing cards, check out these posts with links to the downloads:  POST 1  and   POST 2


  1. How about cards for "staccato" and "legato"?

  2. What do you do for REady set freeze? Hide & Seek?

  3. Ready Set Freeze...

    This one can be used in a couple of different ways.
    1. As you sing the song, hold up the card and they have to stop singing (similar to stop and go)
    2. Use it when singing a song with actions/sign language - hold it up and they freeze like a statue while they continue to sing. They can't move until you put the card down.
    3. Use it randomly to get their attention - see who's watching and who isn't!

    Have fun!

  4. Gayla...

    I got your comment and those cards are on my list...I promise!

    -Brittney ;)

  5. I love being a chorister and I love your ideas. I'm not sure if I understand sing a color. You point to light purple and the sing "light purple"? Do they do that to so mi? Can you be a bit more clear.
    Thanks for sharing, we are all blessed.

  6. Danece,

    For sing a color, I would usually just point to a color and you would sing if you are wearing that if I pointed to pink, people wearing pink would sing. I'm sure there are other ways of using it, but that was how I did it. Have fun!


  7. Have you explained the "hand jive" card? just make one up and do it throughout the song?

    1. Yes, I always did either pat, pat, clap clap, then hand over hand (no real way to describe that one. Or pat clap snap clap then repeat. Whatever you do, it will be great!

  8. Also, what is "Hide & Seek?" Is it like the warmer/colder game (sing louder when they get closer to the hidden object?)

    thanks--these are darling!

    1. Yes, that is exactly how I used that one. You can use an object or just hide the card. Have fun!

  9. Brittney,
    I was just called as chorister in my ward and I love your ideas! My only problem is I can't access any of them to print! Can you please send me the fun ways to sing cards and the new fun ways to sing cards so I can start to get some fun new things started in my primary? These ideas are amazing. Thanks

  10. I have loved using your cards. Are you planning to make any more? I'm wondering if you have one where you start the song slow and then speed up slowly til the end? (like a train or something?) What about where you sing facing front, then turn a quarter turn to face the side wall, then back, then other side...or the four corners of the room? (works well for short songs with four lines.) If you're out of the calling, I guess I'll star making my own! :)

  11. I'm super sad I can't get tot the it down or just me?

    1. Nanny...just log into a google account to view the link. If you don't have gmail, send me an email and I'll send you the PDF's. :)

    2. Oops, logging on did the trick! Thanks!

  12. I signed in with Google and can't find a link to the all new cards. Help:)

    1. Kelley - send me your email and I will just send you the PDF :)
